Column chart: gradient fill per column over height of chart
I'm trying to create a column chart showing advice based on weather data. Values are between 0 and 2. Based on the value the height is determined, and currently a singular color. I'm trying to modify this to have a gradient range for top to bottom of the chart, not as a background. Colors should start at the bottom showing red, showing a gradient to yellow (at value 1) and green (at value 2). However, I want the gradient shown even if the value for the column is say 0.615, which would need to show a gradient past halfway, still towards, yellow.
Currently only achieving a gradient showing the full range of colors when the value is anywhere below 2 (0.242 for example), which is not what I'm trying.
Is this in any way already supported or could this be a feature?...
You can use the color stops to define where your gradients start and stop, and define intermediate points. So it seems to me like you would need to compute the stops dynamically based on the chart data.