Provide a method that switches the chart entirely.
The .update
method isn't designed to completely switch out the chart, but instead to change individual properties like the title or type.
In order to completely change the chart, you have to create a completely new chart, which often causes the chart to disappear temporarily and make the page "jump".
This is obviously not ideal, and a common use case is to have a single chart element that shows a single chart that the user can switch out to a wide range of different charts. If a method was provided to do this in a way that didn't destroy the old chart element and cause the jump, that would be very convenient.
Thanks for writing! Issue #5299 is another case, it’s about axis redrawing wrong in HIghmaps.
In this demo I can’t see any blinking or page jumping:
However it may probably happen if the series have a lot of data points so it takes longer to render. In that case, maybe you can do tricks with putting the charts in different divs, position them on top of eachother, run crossfades etc.