Add the highstock scrollbar to Highcharts for master detail charts
I have a master-detail chart - pretty much as per the highcharts demo, except for the fact that the detail data is ajax loaded in an appropriate resolution as the extremes are set. I would much prefer to use the time selector from highstock, as it's a lot slicker.
An alternative would be to provide a way to have separate master and detail data sets for highstock, with the ability to ajax load detail data when a time range is selected.
Highstock will replace the master-detail chart altogether. In fact, the master-detail chart was just meant as a preliminary solution until we got to finish Highstock.
@Asg: What you are describing is basically a Highstock chart with the range selector disabled. What I was describing nine months ago however was loading fresh data asynchronously - I've been trying to set this up, but met some problems on the way.
Asg commented
Can we get an example of how to use the highstock styled scrollbar in highchart instead of master detail? It has been 9 months since the comment from Torstein so I am hoping this is now available?
Leon commented
Is there any chance to see an example of it live? I'd like to implement it.
Yes, that is already implemented. You load one low-res series for the navigator, then only the visible data for the detail chart. On the setExtremes event, you load fresh data into the detail chart. We will set up an example for this in the demo page, but haven't got there yet.
Matt Whitfield commented
Ok, in that case then, could you consider the 'alternative' bit? I.e. that I don't want to load 5 years worth of data at 15 minutes up front - I would rather load the detail part 'on request'. If that ends up being in Highstock then that would be awesome. Thanks.