Allow zero and negative values in logarithmic axes
log(0) === 0
log (-x) === log(x) * -1

I'm not sure how such a scale should be implemented in practice. What tick would be next to 0?
For example, we could have ticks for -100, -10, -1, 0, 1, 10, 100. But this means two discontinuous scales, because the true logarithmic scale doesn't reach 0 at all. It could just as well be -100, -1, -0.01, 0, 0.01, 1, 100. So should we add options for where to cut off close to 0?
Ecehan Ece commented
We are using highcharts as a company and dealing with negative values along with positives. Could you please consider to support zeror and negative values in logarithmic axes?
John commented
Example of people needing this: