Marker Clusters in HighMaps
See example below:

Anonymous commented
this would be a great feature
It is possible to work around this and do clustering by manually computing the clusters beforehand and showing them as you zoom the chart. This can be done by listening to the afterSetExtremes event on the axis to detect zoom level. One way to do it would be to keep each cluster level in a separate series, and show/hide these on demand:
Alvin T commented
Hi, does HighMaps have this feature now?
If not, any other solution to mimic the marker clusters? Thanks in advance -
Anonymous commented
This is a very important feature regarding map functionality, hope highcharts can support it OOTB soon. Thanks.
That's interesting, do you have anything to show us? It makes sense though, in that function you can collect all the overlapping labels and create an aggregate label, right?
Alex S. commented
But i've found a simple solution by overriding the highcharts method Chart.prototype.hideOverlappingLabels to provide this feature :-)
Thanks for commenting!
Implementation wise, we should see this feature in combination with regular scatter series, where we could optionally cluster markers too.
Alex S. commented
One of the missing MAJOR features in highmaps currently :-/