Use of full html in tooltips.
Try the fiddle now. I changed it to load the JS from
Nikhil commented
I have also tried all the jsfiddle links , but they only work in IE and not in FF and Chrome
Nikhil commented
I have tried to use this works fine in IE but displays the original tooltip in chrome and firefox with nbsp; as content. I am stuck on this...any help would be great ! thanks
tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
var html="<div class='tooltipChrome' id='chartToolTip' style='width:140px;text-align:center;'></div>";
return html;
} -
Thanks, we have some reorganizing to do in the code, then we'll make the border follow the actual bounding box of the tooltip.
ev3r commented
Does anyone have a tip on how can I center the text in it? thanks
cailie commented
Agreed, this is a great improvement. To follow Macklin's comment -- here's an example of what I might try to do:
Macklin commented
Great start! Thank you! It looks like you use the text to determine the size of the bounding box. Instead wrap everything in a div and use those dimensions to create the bounding box? you'll see I could kind of hack a correct bounding box by adding periods to my text to account for an image.
cailie commented
Thanks Torstein! I'm really happy about this. Looking forward to using the feature in 2.1.7.
cailie commented
Instead of translating the tooltipFormatter's code to SVG, could HC inject the HTML into a div that is dynamically positioned from mouse events? It's possible to create this customization, but it would be tidier to have a built-in option.
Andrew commented
I agree completely and would like to lay out a custom looking tooltip, with a pointer arrow.
donnieT commented
Would be great to be able to load the tooltip info with Ajax and then fully decide how it should be formatted, including links that look like links.