server side support
True server side or web services support so that I can post data and get a jpg back. I tried doing this my self with Rhino and env.js but didn't ever get it to work. The svg that was generated by High Charts had several issues that I have discussed on the forum
Sounds like a tech support question - please ask at, and make sure to add a live example of what you're trying to do.
Anonymous commented
Highcharts problem after sorting the data .
We have taken the data from database and data display in graphical form(pie and column) and Table form.
We have many table and graphs on a single page in a separated div . we want to sort order each and every div.
It's working but highcharts are reload .
If fault in my code so table should be reload but only on graph reload . Please solved of this thing. -
We are soon to release true server side support through PhantomJS.
Tom commented
We have found that the SVG generated by Highcharts is highly browser specific. It makes it hard to convert to a graphic file. The problem with the export feature is that we have to send potentially sensitive information to a third party. If it were made self contained on our application server, the data stays on our application server. It also is helpful to have the graphic rendered locally so that it can be embedded as part of an automated document generation process.
Philippe commented
Highstock on node.js
Using Highstock version 1.1.6 and the "fake" createElementNS from Stefan (13 Sep 2011) complex charts can be rendered server side without any modifications to the highstock code,
some post processing of the svg to correctly place text labels and correct the clippath and gradient tags is needed..replace(/clippath/g, 'clipPath') // clipPath tag is lower case on the server
.replace(/lineargradient/g, 'linearGradient') // linearGradient tag is lower case on the server$.each($(chart).find('text'),function(i,t){
var ts = $(t).find('tspan');
if ($(t).attr('transform')){
var r = $(t).attr('transform');
r = r.replace(/ 0/,' ' + t.getAttribute('x')).replace(/ 0/, ' ' + t.getAttribute('y'));
});that's it
works like a charm -
Hans Wijnveen commented
Server side support would be great for us. We present on-screen interactive charts as well as pdf-documentation including these charts. The charts for the pdf should be generated server-side and be identical to the ones on-screen.
Philippe commented
Nice would be to have support for node.js as well
some coment to the support for node.js were added in the forum under think however, that the code could be modified so that some default values are correctly handled ( I suspect that this the reason why it currently does not work without patches)
and the user agent detecion -
Josh commented
CutyCapt takes a snapshot after a certain delay - this does not work when loading data through an ajax request. So unless a new html file is going to be dynamically generated for every server-side chart request, this option is out.
I am currently using node-highcharts in combination with all of the patches listed in the comments of David's original blog post. However, the latest version of Highcharts does not work in node and include some bugs fixes that my charts depend on. It would be great if you guys could support this node.js effort.
Jan-Karl commented
I attempted to use node-highcharts but it is unreliable at best...
Jan-Karl commented
Yes, there are certain cases where we would like to package the chart into a png file and e-mail it, post it on facebook, etc. Having a way to do this completely on the server side would be excellent.