Cant get same line chart in term of size on downloaded pdf and web page, 2) Cant get some solution for tapping the line points means over af
I used High Chart in one my project [please see image attached linechart with small line and ponter.png] here having line charts and points means tab on each point. Now I added functionality like download this in 'pdf' form for that I used 'mpdf' lib in PHP. If I used another chart like raphel js then chart look same as that of in web page and pdf. However I used hight chart found one issue that its come on pdf but line are too much broad(big sizelline) as compare to web page[see image attached linechart.png and strain_detail.pdf ]. I think there must be some solution for that
Means there are two issues
1) Cant get same line chart in term of size on downloaded pdf and web page,
2) Cant get some solution for tapping the line points means over affect in pdf as of web page
If anything please let me know.
Hope Positive Response from you.
Ravi Kulkarni
Software Developer,
Pune, MH, India
Hi Ravi,
1. The wide line is probably the tracker object for your chart, probably the PDF library doesn’t support opacity correctly. Try disabling mouse tracking in the exported file like so:
2. The exported PDF does not support events.
PS: Uservoice is generally for feature requests. For general tech support, see