legend title
I've searched the forum and docs and not found an answer
Would be nice if we could set a legend title. Our users are beginners at reading graphs and every little bit helps.

Implemented as of Highcharts 3.0.
@Slobhan: I'm sorry, currently it always sits on top.
Siobhan commented
Is there a way of making the legend title horizontal next to the series instead of on top?
Thanks, I fixed that now.
Anonymous commented
Hi Torstein,
I was just playing with the legend title feature above. It seems to break dynamic chart resizing (i.e. when the window is resized) when the legend enabled is set to 'false'.
Just a heads up - not a complaint!
See here (resize the results section) http://jsfiddle.net/dJ2e6/2/
Gopinath Sundharam commented
Thanks Torstein. Looks good.
Anonymous commented
Yes, I need this too - thanks
Jose Suarez commented
Agreed, this is how proper scientific graphs are labeled.
Gopi commented
Yes, having a legend title (header) would be awesome. Please add it. Thanks.