Folders! organize charts within folders.
Quoting someone else:
"We need a folder system terribly. We just can't have all charts from all projects lumped together. It's impossible to sort by project or report, and we can't even rename them by project, since the name of the file = the name of the chart. This issue is High Charts #1 shortcoming. It's otherwise a solid product!"
That suggestions appears as finished, but i don't see it working.

Thanks for the feedback, you can use sub-teams to organise your charts. If you follow along with the directions in the link below, you can create a new sub-team as well as assign charts/themes to them. It should help with structuring where your charts appear at least.
Another good thing about sub-teams is that you can assign certain members of your team to only the sub-teams you want them to be a part of, meaning you can restrict what charts/themes your team members see:
If you would still like to have a more traditional folder structure, just let us know and we can plan how this would fit into our current system.
Kulbir Kainth
Highcharts Cloud Developer