when "share" a chart, offer the option of "full code"
I love the online/live editor of Highcharts cloud, it makes easier for us to edit data and then output a chart.
However, when I tried to embed this chart into my webpage, the "share" button of this cloud editor only offered an URL or an iFrame short code of that chart, not the full code.
Though I know the iFrame method can show that chart properly on other webpage, I still want to copy the full code of that chart. In this way, I can make sure the chart can be correctly shown up even my website is an intranet ( I can load those JS files locally).
So, please add a new option for this online editor to offer full code of the generated chart.
Thank you.

We have an undocumented solution for you. We're soon to publish injection of charts by javascript and this gives you an easy way to test the downloaded full code .
Let's say you made this chart: https://cloud.highcharts.com/show/ecavev;
1. change the url to https://cloud.highcharts.com/inject/ecavev
2. copy the javascript code
3. create an html page with a <div id="highcharts-ecavev"></div>
4. copy in the javascript code (between script tags or as separate js file)
5. .. and you have your chart.See also this example; http://jsfiddle.net/e54mx2em/1/