381 search results
Offer a minimum width for the navigator scroller · completed
Add a built in table parser · completed
Parallel Coordinates · completed
Downloading hint (such as gif anaimation during Highcharts javascript is downloading)
Step Position ('on', 'between') · started
Saved Image to Match what shown in the browser
Provide a way to integrate Google Maps as a background
Summary Tables · under review
Enable overscrolling - scrolling a fixed amount of pixels (relative to chart.plotWidth) to the right, so that we have an "empty" space waiti · completed
To add Filter Option on Categories.(We can hide whole categories by selecting categories from multi select drop-down )
Add an ability to show error bar in legend · completed
Ability to skip a period of time but without gaps on xAxis · completed
Beeswarm plot (aka. strip chart / dot plot)
City level highmaps
Allow points on a line to be different styles
marker · completed
Interchart communication · completed
Pass the number of nulls instead of true/false to dataGrouping approximation functions
Allow panning on y axis · completed
Some bug in addPoint() · declined