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Highcharts Javascript API

Highcharts Javascript API



402 results found

  1. You added upColor along with regular color on Candlesticks - this is a great start. However, almost all Candlestick charts offer differing border colors as well, an upBorder and downBorder if you will. If you would add this so we could base it on a real stock chart's open, high, low and close this would be a TREMENDOUS improvement.

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  2. It would be very useful to be capable of plotting wind barb and vector arrow as a type of plot. This would allow us to plot 2 dimensional data (value, direction) alongside other line or column plots (i.e. temperature, pressure, etc.)
    wind barb:


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  3. Support topoJson format in HighMaps. This format is about 80% smaller than geoJson

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  4. I've searched the forum and docs and not found an answer
    Would be nice if we could set a legend title. Our users are beginners at reading graphs and every little bit helps.

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  5. I am using a column chart in conjunction with a line chart. The problem is that the line intersects with datalabel of the column and makes it harder to read. See

    It would be great if I could add a white background color to the datalabel and increase its readability.

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  6. Charts capture scrolling events on an iPhone or iPad, making scrolling the page by flicking on the chart area impossible. An option for changing this behavior would be desirable.

    Refer to:

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  7. It would be nice to have native Angular 2 support. So far, it's a little bit complicated to implement Highcharts with Angular 2 (without relying on 3rd-party plugins.

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  8. The current stacking options are: null to disable, "normal" to stack by value or "percent".

    Another visualization is to overlay the columns (usually requiring the use of transparency).

    As a comparison, please see the stacking options offered by Flex:

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  9. Hi,

    We want to add stacks in reverse order without touching legends order. I tried to dig into code and found that while (i--) unconditional
    you can add new property so that generic solution can be applied

    Code as in 3.0.7

       * Build the stacks from top down
       buildStacks: function () {
              var series = this.series,
                     i = series.length;
              if (!this.isXAxis) {
                     while (i--) {
                     // Loop up again to compute percent stack
                     if (this.usePercentage) {
                           for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {

    Proposed code with new property


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  10. Hello,

    Please add the following code in Highcharts:

    // Expose Highcharts as a CommonJS Asynchronous Module
    if ( typeof require !== "undefined" && require.def ) {
    require.def( [], function () { return Highcharts; } );

    This code would register Highcharts as an CommonJS asynchronous module.

    It would make Highcharts easier to use when working with RequireJS (and other loaders).

    I pasted more links for modules and loaders are discussed. (<--- this will expose jQuery as a module)

    Thank you.


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  11. Allow option of specifying the number of tickmarks to display, rather than the range or interval of them.

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  12. Support embedding images in tooltips.

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  13. Extend the donut pie chart to show all data points as a subsection of the inner layer:

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  14. 27 votes

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  15. Current spline plots can be unintuitive when your dataset isn't quite a perfect curve. A dataset of 10,10,10,0 shows a huge spike in the line right when it really shouldn't exist.

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  16. A built in table parser would allow that the data be defined in a table in the HTML page. If JavaScript is disabled in the browser, the table will still show.

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  17. When drawing a line chart, one should be able to specify the interval between x axis points and whether to interpolate or not at missing x axis locations. That way, if [x,y] data is missing some x locations, we don't have a line at the missing points. This is similar to creating an [x,y] pair at each point and specifying NULL, but in some cases creating an [x,y] pair for all missing points isn't practical.

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  18. Wrap long text labels on axes.

    There is a nice summary of the enhancement request here,

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  19. As a user, I'd like to be able to easily update a series' color in an event handler.

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  20. I would like change the min and the max, ie for a category A I have values ​​from 0 to 200 and for another category B from 0 to 1. Currently, category B, I do not see very well because the scale is 0 to 200.

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