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Highcharts Javascript API

Highcharts Javascript API



402 results found

  1. Please add support for ARIA type=Image.
    Option to create an HTML table that contains the data shown in chart. For example on your Line with label chart the table might be set up as follows:

    tr th Month /th th Tokyo /th th London /th /tr
    tr th scope=row January /th td 7 /td td 3.9 /td /tr

    This would allow us to use the product on sites that require compliance with ADA Section 508.

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  2. Related to this issue:

    I feel that pointWidth is not an adequate solution for preventing extremely wide columns (or tall bars) in a chart with a small data set. If you're working with a dynamic data set that could be quite small or large, setting a specific width to force small data sets to display well will backfire when displaying a larger dataset, causing the bars to overlap.

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  3. If the legend has more entries than fit on the screen it could create a scrollbar. This removes the burden from the developer to collapse all items after a given depth.

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    2012-05-15: Implemented scrolling legend:

    2011: I created the POC for using a HTML div for the legend items:

    For now it should be considered a hack. It has obvious weaknesses like unability to show marker symbols, and invisibility in export, but having a scrollbar in a static image doesn’t make much sense anyway.

    Also the hack doesn’t reflect dynamic changes to the series of the chart.

  4. It would be so useful to have support for confidence intervals (error bands), as shown here:
    Thank you!

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  5. This would be most useful on pie charts to enable a 3D look.

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  6. HighCharts is not compatible with Javascript Strict mode because it leaks variables to the global namespace.

    Running JavaScript in strict mode is a business requirement to enhance security and stability: "strict" operating context prevents certain actions from being taken and throws more exceptions:

    • It catches some common coding errors, throwing exceptions, instead of silently running.
    • It prevents, or throws errors, when relatively "unsafe" actions are taken (such as gaining access to the global object).
    • Strict mode code can sometimes run faster.

    As an example, this function in HighCharts:

    dSetter: function (value, key, element) {
    // some code
    this[key] = value;…

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  7. Now days 'super trend' is special requirement for all traders.

    This step from Highcharts will be appreciated.

    Indicators were implemented by highchart team in below suggestion ::


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  8. Instead having column and bar charts either grouped or stacks, allow a combination of group and stacks.

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  9. Allow for custom symbol with bubble chart, such as square triangle etc. Works wondefully with scatter but when you switch to bubble you're forced to used the round ones.

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  10. I plan to implement this using the spline mode + manually plotting the distribution (100 points), but it would more convenient as a built in type. Actually, a number of options for showing data distribution / percentile would be lovely! :)

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  11. When for example a point is added, the series will slide smoothly to the left to visualize that data is added.

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  12. 63 votes

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  13. When updating more than one point at a time to the chart, it'd be good to also take into account the animation settings (such as "duration") and not only for when only one point is added.

    Example of how it is now:

    How it should be: When pressing "update" button, it should take as much time painting the new points as it took with the points at the beginning.

    Topic related on forum:

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  14. This is particularly useful for dashboard designs. Here is the wiki page for it. It is essential for visual representation of target based data comparisons in a dashboard setting or for comparing quantitative data to a target in any web environment really.

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  15. A simple timeline chart that can plot a project from start date to end date with mile-stones. Milestones are specific images over-layed on the plot line. This is almost a very high level gantt that does not have linkage between tasks.

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  16. Lots of pie charts have the percentage value next to the name in the legend. Today you can only get the name and y-value in the legend's labelFormatter. It would be really great if you could add percentage as well, like the tooltip's formatter.

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  17. support languages that are written right to left like hebrew

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  18. A few suggestions describe part of functionality needed already. It would be extremely useful for Highcharts to automatically calculate when x-axis or y-axis labels need to be rotated or skipped to prevent overlapping. Configuration would have the following options:
    preventOverlap: { false / ['rotate', 'skip', 'multiLine'] }, where false turns it off and an array gives a preference order which method to apply first; rotate rotates until full and then applies skip, skip calculates how many labels can be used out of total and multiLine spaces odd or even labels onto multiple lines.

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  19. Actually, if I set min and max on y axis, the chart allways shows min and max values. My idea is to set an "extreme" min/max, and the autoscale continue to operate, but limited by theses "extreme" min/max values

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  20. Could you please release Highcharts in a AMD version?

    Two solutions here. First, use UMD so it define a AMD module if available or fallback to global otherwise. Second, create a AMD module and put it at with highcharts.js and highcharts.src.js (maybe highcharts.amd.js).

    What do you think?

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