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Highcharts Javascript API

Highcharts Javascript API



95 results found

  1. It would be nice to have a default formatter for displaying numbers in scientific notation

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  2. We have a requirement to color the bubble depends on the size. Basically, if the value is high, it will have a darker color and for a low value, a lighter color.

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  3. If you have a chart such as the following:
    And you change that yaxis 0 value to non-zero, i.e. 10, then the following occurs:

    We urgently need a hack/workaround to once again display the rounded corners. We are using Torsteins rounded-corners plugin to achieve this.

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  4. Idea is shown here: Top edge indicates a maximum from chart and bottom edge shows a minimum with respect to input- T1 and T2. The background color is faded and custimizable.

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  5. It would be great if the borders around the charts had similar controls to that of CSS where we could edit the border colors and thicknesses individually. My one example is that we need to have only the left border of a chart thick red while the rest of the borders are to remain thin and gray. Here is an example image:

    There is an old idea that is similar but doesn't appear to have any replies other than mine here:

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  6. Being able to configure not just the fill colour of the bars in a chart, but the outline colour as well.

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    under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin →
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  7. This would allow retrieveal of max and min data for that series. On a multi-series graph the axis extremes are nice, but being able to grab the extemes of each series would allow for more flexabiilty in data display.

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  8. Please add the feature of spacing between series

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  9. It would be nice to have an option to export chart (as PDF) to datauri string instead of file.
    This can be done now indirectly, by obtaining chart's underlying svg, calling svg2pdf and finally using jsPDF doc.output('datauristring')
    [which returns the base64 dataUri] instead of downloading file.

    Maybe as an option in 'exporting' object?
    Or by exposing new method, i.e. Highcharts.exportToUri() ?

    Or maybe there's some simpler way that I am not aware of?
    Thank you.

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  10. I want to do something after the tooltip shows.
    And I found the "point hover" event

    But when I use the "crosshair" option, it doesn't need to hover the points to trigger the tooltip, anywhere of the chart triggers the tooltip

    So now I can only do something when user's mouse hovers the points

    I want to do it when the tooltip shows,

    So i think it's better to add a "after tooltip show" event in options.


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  11. If a data point is between X and Y integer, give it "class='low-range'" if a data point is between A and B interger, give it "class='custom-class'", etc.

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  12. Provide a property for donut chart to show the aggregated total exactly at the center of donut

    var colors = Highcharts.getOptions().colors,
    categories = [
    "Internet Explorer",
    data = [
    "y": 62.74,
    "color": colors[2],
    "drilldown": {
    "name": "Chrome",
    "categories": [
    "Chrome v65.0",
    "Chrome v64.0",
    "Chrome v63.0",
    "Chrome v62.0",
    "Chrome v61.0",
    "Chrome v60.0",
    "Chrome v59.0",
    "Chrome v58.0",
    "Chrome v57.0",
    "Chrome v56.0",
    "Chrome v55.0",
    "Chrome v54.0",
    "Chrome v51.0",
    "Chrome v49.0",
    "Chrome v48.0",
    "Chrome v47.0",
    "Chrome v43.0",
    "Chrome v29.0"
    "data": [

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  13. Reading a pie chart is like reading a clock. It's most effective to place the largest segment at 12 o'clock (as it does now). The best way to order the rest of the segments is to place the second biggest slice at 12 o'clock on the left; the rest would follow counterclockwise.

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  14. Plotlines are excellent to point out interesting Things in the chart. With large datasets it can be a good thing to be able to have an additional label for the exact value of that plotline

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  15. We have a requirement to generate Smith Charts. Can Highcharts support Smith Charts?

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  16. This would allow SVG paths to be shorter in many cases, which would reduce data size, and make the page load faster.

    For example, SVG path for a rectangle could be
    "M400 400h32v28h-32Z"
    instead of
    "M400 400L432 400 432 428 400 428Z"

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  17. For Highmaps, we should have a method to find which map area a point lays within. Useful for building heatmaps.

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  18. When a border is added to bar/column charts, the border goes X pixels around the bar. This causes the bar to overlap over the axis lines and possibly other bars. See this JSFiddle example:

    It would be nice if it could look more like this instead:

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  19. Currently the navigator is positioned at number 2 point in the axis array if new axis are dynamically added otherwise it is the last element. This makes indexing int the axis array unnecessarily complicated and confusing. I want that the navigator array either be taken out of the xAxis array and have its own array or at least have a consistent position

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  20. Can we have any highchart functionality/feature that dashboard can automatically adjust width(HScroll bar) & height(VScroll bar) ?

    Like chart should be overflow = auto (as per data)

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