Allow navigator to have multiple data series
Please allow navigator to hold multiple data series. I had a request recently to convert a very large data set into separate categories, so that they could be deselected via the legend, but now I don't get the set represented in the navigator window, because it only will hold one series. And with large data, building one composite set will be too much overhead.

Implemented with Highstock 5, see
Kellie Manley commented
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Alex Cameron commented
Highstock currently uses one of the data series in the chart for the navigator. This can lead to odd behaviour if there are multiple series of varying lengths.
There is already options to set a separate data series for the navigator or to select which series index you want to use but there should be a setting where it uses all the series.
Otherwise it seems that the only option would be to add the existing series array a second time to the navigator.series which seems redundant.
greg commented
In response to my comment regarding this hack breaking point selection, adding this within the "addSeries" call seems to resolve that issue:
name: null,
enableMouseTracking: false,
showInLegend: false -
greg commented
Not sure if anyone has tried this with `allowPointSelect: true`, but the jsfiddle provided to add multiple series to the navigator really messes up point selection in the main graph :(
Anonymous commented
There is a discussion on how to achieve this here
Alex Andre commented
I made same thing as you told, but found a problem. Is it even possible for navigator charts to inherit colors of base charts?
patpah commented
in response to luka9988 :
i had the same problem with exporting the chart with multiple series (HighStock 2.0.4) and found a workaround :
you simply add "IsInternal: true" in chart.addSeries() :
chart.addSeries({data: serie, name: title, lineWidth: 1, xAxis: 1, yAxis: 1, color: colr, enableMouseTracking: false, showInLegend: false, isInternal: true }, false); -
Anonymous commented
Yes, as a paying customer we also request this feature.
luka9988 commented
I managed to add multiple series to the navigator, also managed to show them and hide them with original series so they work synchronized, but then I found a problem with exporting (18# highcharts error shows up when you add any series to the navigator), also when i tried to print that chart, I got only 3/4 width of the chart printed on the paper, I hope you take this to consideration
otherwise thanks for an amazing package Highcharts is really amazing :) -
yogesh prajapati commented
please look into this, i want both series in navigator.
Fred Dysart commented
FYI, add enableMouseTracking: false to fix the bug I was talking about below.
Here is an updated fiddle: -
Fred Dysart commented
This doesn't even really work. Note how the tooltip changes between the shared tooltip for the 3 series on the graph and the series added later to the navigator? Is there any update on this issue?
Anonymous commented
ok, the workaround works, but how about adding multiple yaxis to navigator so it cand reflect the main chart, i don't need to display the axis just to scale the series to occupay the same space
Anonymous commented
This seems to be a glaring omission, and is significantly impacting my decision to use Highcharts. In general though, what an amazing package! Thank you so much for creating.
Kenneth commented
Export function won't work with multiple series on navigator (Highcharts Error #18
The requested axis does not exist). Any resolution on that? -
Kevin commented
I have added a second series in the navigator. Is it possible to scale the series in the navigator to the same hight? I know it is possible in the main chart by giving the series its own y-axis, but I don't think it's possible to give the navigator an extra y-axis.
Anonymous commented
I also assumed multiple were possible, really need this feature
zac commented
Wow. Only one series in the navigator? I just assumed multiple were possible. This is a big drawback for Highcharts. Might have to go with D3.
David Basilio commented
It's need to put in documentation of highstock that the navigator doesn't work for other series.
Karthick commented
The main chart is very useful for multiple series. Whereas, multiple series in the navigator will make it look great. We are really in need of this.